There he observed a spider trying to build a web across the cave walls only to have the harsh winter weather tear its work down every day. Nonetheless, the spider never quit, and one day, the web held fast. Robert was so inspired by the spider’s persistence that he returned to war with the English, determined to fight for Scotland until his country was free. According to legend, he once caught a German spy by the seat of his pants, holding him there until American soldiers found and captured him. What more can you ask from a dog? A macaque bit Alexander, the Greek king, and caused him a wound that would later become infected and kill him at age twenty-seven. Only a couple of years after his death and a series of political mistakes by the Greek side, the initially victorious campaign fast became a national disaster for Greece and a monkey became the nation’s most hated living animal. The Battle of Ramree Island, which was fought for six weeks during January and February 1945, entered The Guinness Book of World Records for the “Most Fatalities in a Crocodile Attack.” According to various estimations, anywhere from five hundred to almost a thousand Japanese soldiers were slaughtered by thousands of saltwater crocodiles that were lying in wait in the inland swamps, thus shaping military history as no other animal has. The problem eventually became so serious that there were days where both sides had more casualties from the vicious wolf attacks than the actual battles. Because of this the soldiers convinced their commanders to make a temporary truce so they could join forces against the bloodthirsty wolves. The two sides discussed how to find an effective solution to the situation and finally, after concerted effort and cooperation, they managed to murder hundreds of wolves while the rest scattered, permanently leaving the area. The victory against the wolves accomplished, the truce ended and the soldiers went back to killing each other again. For over a thousand miles, the heroic dog led the team, going through whiteout blizzards and all kinds of danger in the hostile environment. The dog’s fearless journey is nowadays honored through the running of the annual Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race and is the story behind the Disney animated film Balto, who is voiced by Kevin Bacon.

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